
Tuesday, 25 April 2023

Abrasion Addict - Death Gives Life to Science.


Abrasion Addict – Death Gives Life to Science – Cassette/download – 2023

1.    Death Gives Life to Science.

2.    Anatomy Ornamented.

3.    The Pathologisation of Dissection.

4.    Foetal Maceration.

Death Gives Life to Science is the second of three releases by Blackpool, UK based project Abrasion Addict.

The title track opens the release, this clangs and splutters gagging noise at me. I like the broken sound, this tries for a long time to be fluid, but is really hacked into by screaming feedback. Bass hums through the shards of noise occasionally as they begin to sound like an agonised dogfight – the sound is truly brutal. The sound builds more body through the bass whilst maintaining the screeching qualities it built. As the bass begins to rev into the sound a thick density reinforces and radiates the sound powerfully.

Pulsating digital repetition is Anatomy Ornamented, fractured voices and crunching form a busier sound as all battle for dominance. The sound of this track varies massively from the first. Different noise sounds weave in and out of the work forcing it to change continuously. Sounds with varying degrees of intensity come into the sound and dominate for periods of time. The noise chatter argues with a marching, pulsating, melted noise sound for a long period of time until the relentless march crushes everything.

The album ups its intensity further with The Pathologisation of Dissection, this reaches a full sound immediately, it is like a detailed wall with clarity focussed on all its aspects. It roars and hisses massively. The depth drops to allow less noise to work its static magic with less background noise interfering. The sound chokes and gasps towards its end, rebirthing with a full sound, continually hacking itself into less.

The finale of this release is Foetal Maceration is the shortest track, the noises here sound like screaming buried in static roaring and crunching distortion. The continual shift is impressive, making an epic end to Death Gives Life to Science.

Bold, savage, modern-day Harsh Noise. Keep up the solid work my Blackpool Friends.

Army of One 2023.

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