
Sunday, 9 April 2023

Abrasion Addict - Brutalist Detrius.

Abrasion Addict – Brutalist Detritus – CD/Download – love earth music – 2023 – LEM288

1.       Brutalist Detritus.

2.       Death Throes.

3.       Metallic Enslavement.

4.       Flesh and Steel as One.

5.       Purgatory.

6.       Release.

Abrasion Addict – Brutalist Detritus > New UK Noise Project from Blackpool England.

Machinery clunks away as something whirs away behind the noise, this comes to the forefront of the noise and the chugging noise dives from one side of the stereo range to the other, this is dizzying and aggressive, it is also a good start. Harsh screeching kicks in, dies out and reboots again. Walls of distortion make brief appearances, the machinery comes back alone, soon joined by screeching noise again. This is Brutalist Detritus.

A larger assault of noise is Death Throes, this has a heavy bass undercurrent with shifting, screeching sharpness cutting over the top. The bass roar is dense so that the higher pitched sounds have good backing. At times it feels as if the two are being pushed together forcefully so that the combination of Dense and Harsh’s explosion is the result of this. The sharper sounds become increasingly dominant towards the end through their relentless assault, it becomes a warped lead performance. As it races towards its’ own Death Throes, the track splutters, coughs at high speed into its own end.

Screaming, metallic, abrasive noise greets me for Metallic Enslavement which continues at the same speed as Death Throes. Space is allowed between the noise, there isn’t an overwhelming backing density so it can move at speed whilst retaining a clarity of sound. Elements of noise are moved in and out of the work to allow different interactions and scenarios to occur.  At one point the sound is stripped down to crude scraping and chugging noises to allow a real ugliness of sound to resonate.

The longest track is Flesh and Stone, this uses very aggressive on the ears screeching abrasion with a heavy backing bass noise roaring in the background. I become aware how truly aggressive the work is during the sonic assault of this track, I wonder if there have or will be live performances to expand and concrete these methods? The clarity of the work goes from murky to sharp, deliberately and it is effective. The dense bass is allowed to lead at times to allow spaced, wailing interactions of the high-pitched frequencies over it. Friction pressures the sound near the end to create an effective drag.

Low rumbling and atmospheric whirring create a less busy atmosphere for noises to crackle on and flit across the stereo range. Screechy noise begins to chatter across all of this, entitled and arrogantly ignoring the big important rumbles that are occurring. Purgatory is complicated, many layers go off.

The final demonstration is called Release. Here, sounds try to accelerate and are cut off for others to try. I feel as if I am being jolted into different demonstrations – in, out, in, out, in, out… I like how the sound is cut off and cut into, the creator is ruthless.

This is a new project, so advice comes before the finale. Keep releasing on other labels, network, keep releasing to cement your reputation and develop your vision. Play live when you can, this explosive aggression needs to be heard. Good album, good work and keep it up.

Army of One 2023.

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